Tutorials ========= .. for now I put all notebooks of documentation to notebooks folder, making a copy of the original in progetti/pySurf folder will clean later I am using pointed list everywhere because I have not clear how toctree works. .. TODO: these files in _static etc. are not compiled, so ipynb are not tested. .. TODO: some of the notebooks have been copied by source in _static or notebooks folder. The second are compiled, but are not in synch with the source, which can be elsewhere (e.g. pyXtel\source\test\..). These files are copied because sphinx doesn't compile notebooks above source folder. Here you can find documents, tests and examples of real applications. Examples have code that you can download, run, or adapt to your case (TODO 🛠️). Also don't hesitate to request a feature or submit your problem at https://github.com/vincenzooo/pyXsurf/issues. Overview ------------------------------- A few introductory presentations to give an overall view of purposes and functionalities: * Poster (SPIE 2023, San Diego) `pdf <../_static/vcotroneo_SPIE2023.pdf>`_ * Jupyter Notebook converted to `Presentation <../_static/pySurf_NSFE2020.slides.html>`_, or `report <../_static/pySurf_NSFE2020.html>`_ derived from presentation at NSFE NanoScientific Forum 2020 * Gallery: Examples of different interfaces TODO 🛠️ .. TODO: white paper .. TODO: add link to SPIE and NSFE, also recording Examples -------- These Jupyter notebooks illustrate practical examples on how to start or to perform specific operations. * `Introduction to the library <../notebooks/pySurf_demo.ipynb>`_ :download:`download source <../notebooks/pySurf_demo.ipynb>` * 🛠️ `Usage <../notebooks/basic_usage.ipynb>`_ :download:`download source <../notebooks/basic_usage.ipynb>` Advanced Examples ----------------- Some example from real life, Still work in progress. TODO 🛠️ Surface Processing ****************** `Example of interactive alignment <../_static/rotate_and_align.html>`_ A more complex analysis `report with toggleable code visualization <../_static/C1S04_PZT_WFS_stress_fit.html>`_ in which difference in two shapes before and after a treatment is measured and fit to a simulated deformation. Profile Class ****************** Example of class ``Profile``, 1D analogous of ``Data2D``: `Simple Signal <../notebooks/test_make_signal.ipynb>`_ `Introduction to Profile <../_static/profile_demo_rise.slides.html>`_, created from Jupyter notebook in different formats: `pdf <../_static/profile_demo_rise.slides.pdf>`_ :download:`download source <../_static/profile_demo_rise.ipynb>` `Profile Tutorial <../_static/Profile_class_tutorial.html>`_ :download:`download source <../_static/Profile_class_tutorial.ipynb>` `Analysis of PSD and Merging tests <../_static/test_merge_P01.html>`_ `pdf <../_static/test_merge_P01.slides.pdf>`_ :download:`download source <../_static/test_merge_P01.ipynb>` PSDs can be extracted from `Data2D`` surfaces. `Teoretical and numerical analysis of PSD <../_static/PSDtest.html>`_ Where to find more **************************** More examples and tests can be found scattered in subfolders of source code repository, see also `Developer Notes `_.